Connie Heckert
Publication List
List of Books Published + Anthologies
For 3rd Grade+:
Ride, Patriot Guard, Ride!, a photographic essay of patriotic bikers and their good deeds. Heckert Literary Productions, Inc. Author/Photographer Connie Heckert.
For Children:
Dribbles, a children's picture book. New York: Clarion Books. Illustrated by Elizabeth Sayles.
Miss Rochelle and the Lost Bell, a children's picture book. Quest Publishing.
For Teens:
To Keera with Love: Abortion, Adoption, or Keeping the Baby. Co-authored with Kayla Becker.
Kansas City, MO: Sheed and Ward.
The Swedish Connections. Nonfiction with photos. Ft. Meyers, Fla: Sutherland Publishing.
Co-Authored Historical Cookbook:
Roots and Recipes: Six Generations of Heartland Cookery. Co-authored with Vernadine Berry.
Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Company.
Commissioned Corporate/Family Histories:
The Louis Rich Story. Work in Progress, pre-publication stages.
Perfectly Marvelous: Fifty Years of Per Mar Security & Research Corp. Per Mar Research & Security Corp., Davenport, Iowa.
The Kahl Legacy: the Man, the History, the Vision. Scott Community College Foundation.
More Than 125 Years of Tradition: The Outing Club 1891-1999. The Outing Club, 1999.
Alcoa Davenport Works: The First Fifty 1948-1998. Served as Research Writer and Editor. (Alcoa Davenport Works, 1999.
The Mel Foster Story: 75 Years of Shaping the Quad-Cities. The Mel Foster Co., Inc.
The First 100 Years: A Pictorial History of Lindsay Park Yacht Club. Lindsay Park Yacht Club.
Lyons: 150 Years North of the Big Tree, pictorial history, Lyons Business & Professional Association.
Searching: A Research Guide for Writers. Chapter 11 Photographs: The Who's Who of Picture Research, by Carolyn Yoder. Updated by Connie Heckert.
The Writing Group Book. Chicago Review Press. Contributor to Anthology.
“Dominating the Ugly Jade Dragon of Jealousy.”
Together at the Doorway: An Anthology of Published Works. Project Coordinator and Editor;
The Quad Cities Branch, National League of American Pen Women, Inc.